As heart-breaking news from the Ukraine continues to dominate our screens, many of us are thinking about people seeking asylum and wondering how we can help those fleeing from dangerous and difficult situations around the world.
Donating to relief efforts in the Ukraine
Bristol Hospitality Network is not directly involved in efforts to support Ukrainian refugees, as the current focus is immediate relief and aid for those fleeing the crisis. If you would like to make a donation to these efforts we would encourage you to take a look at our page here, which has some suggestions of charities that are in need of support, as well as information for Ukrainian and UK nationals looking for support and advice. (
The UK government has also opened a hosting scheme, Homes for Ukraine (see below). New arrivals to the UK will need full wrap-around support, so please do consider supporting any of the local refugee agencies in Bristol financially, as we work in partnership to respond to this latest need alongside sanctuary for refugees who come from all over the world. If you are interested in supporting BHN's work, with people who find themselves destitute while seeking asylum, we would be very grateful for your support - you can make a donation here, or please get in touch, contact@bhn,
Hosting Ukrainian refugees
At the moment the only route for Ukrainians to be hosted in the UK is through the recently announced sponsorship scheme, Homes for Ukraine: If you are interested in this scheme we suggest you register interest online directly with the government using the link above. The situation is constantly evolving and we will be monitoring it closely, including of course offering assistance to Ukrainians who may in due course reach the UK and make claims for asylum. The wider refugee sector in Bristol is currently discussing how to respond locally and updates from our partner organisations will be published in due course.
Thank you for your interest in our work and your generosity at this time.
Bristol Hospitality Network stands in solidarity with people seeking sanctuary in the UK and all around the world.