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COVID-19 translations: information and support now available on BHN's website

Doctors of the World have translated guidance about COVID-19 in over 30 languages, which is now available on the BHN website here.

The Refugee and Asylum Seeker sector in Bristol have also come together to produce a signposting leaflet detailing all the support available in the city. This has been translated into 13 different languages and can be found on our website here.

BHN has sent this information to the majority of our hosted and housed members already, but will soon be sending it out to our wider BHN family who come to the Monday drop-in to ensure they have all the information they need during this difficult time. We will also be connecting with these individuals to check-in on their needs and wellbeing.

Thanks to everyone for donating to our appeal - this money is not only enabling BHN to keep operating, but is specifically paying for SMS text services to contact these members so thank you!



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