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Big Give Christmas Challenge – get ready for 30th Nov!


We are delighted to be taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge again this year, where you can have your donation to BHN DOUBLED!

Our target is to raise £15,000 for BHN's Solidarity Fund, which helps relieve financial hardship for BHN members.

To donate, all you need to do is follow the link to our campaign page between Tuesday 30th November and 7th December:

Make twice the impact this Christmas - please donate and share widely!

What is BHN's Solidarity Fund?

Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) extends solidarity to people in the city of Bristol who are seeking asylum and experiencing destitution.

Destitution means going without the basic essentials most of us take for granted – being able to eat, stay safe, warm and dry. This can happen for people seeking asylum when their claims have been initially refused, as they lose access to work, housing, and financial support.

BHN offers a Solidarity Fund to anyone who is currently hosted by BHN, living in our accommodation or part of our host network (our members). This is around 30 people at any one time.

The Solidarity Fund goes directly to each and every one of our members, to help relieve financial hardship. We aim to give £20 every week to support our members’ needs - whether that’s clothing, food, transport, or other essentials.

All money raised through the Big Give Christmas Challenge this year will go directly to this fund. Please give generously!



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