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Hosting and supporting people seeking asylum in Bristol

Our People

The dedicated trustees and staff that make up our wonderful team.


Chair of Trustees

Emmanuel joined the trustees in January 2024, he is now Chair. He is also on the advisory board and has responsibility for our hosting workstream.

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Katharine is a freelance medical journalist, with a Masters in Science Communication. She has previously worked as an editor and an A Level teacher. Having volunteered as an English teacher for BHN for the past couple of years, this is her first trustee role.

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Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.


Host Network Manager

Laura is our Host Network Manager. Contact Laura for advice on homeless asylum seekers.


Volunteer Coordinator

Cait is our volunteer coordinator. She supports Helen and Kule at the Monday drop-in. Speak to her if you want to volunteer!


Advice Manager

Elinor is our Advice Manager. She runs our advice service and sessions at our Monday Drop In.

James Collet

Vice Chair of Trustees

James joined the trustees in May 2022. He has a masters degree in International Development and over the last decade has worked with NGOs in Africa and as a trustee with development charities in Bristol. He has a keen interest in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.



Emily runs a film catering business and has worked for many organisations in the third sector in Bristol. She has 2 grown up sons, a loving partner of 24 years and her family dog Cami. She is particularly interested in righting injustice and is passionate in supporting refugees to regain resilience, strength and hope.


Trustee - Treasurer

Colin is a qualified accountant with over 30 years' experience working in public sector finance, with previous job roles including NHS Finance Director and a Civil Service Deputy Director of Finance. Colin joined BHN as Trustee Treasurer in November 2024 and is delighted to use his knowledge & skills to support BHN's objectives.

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Hosting and Advice Support

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

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Moveable Feast Coordinator

Bibiana is our Moveable Feast Coordinator and runs our catering enterprise.


Data Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator

Carol is our Data and Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator.



Asma is a BHN hosted member and regularly attends our Drop In.  

She is the trustee responsible for leading on member voice. Asma is studying for a masters degree in Law.

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Tom Cole joined the board of trustees in November 2024

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Qerim has 25 years of experience working with asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol. He worked for both local and national organisations. He also has lived experience of being a refugee from Kosova. He is responsible for the overall management of BHN, including senior staff management, partnerships, fundraising and developments.


Welcome Centre Manager

Helen is our Welcome Centre Manager and ensures the smooth running of our Monday Drop In. She is also our EDI and Member Voice Lead.

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Kitchen Coordinator

Kule is our Kitchen Coordinator and one of our Moveable Feast Chefs

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Finance & Office Administrator

Amy is our Finance & Office Administrator, and her role extends to social media and HR as well. Amy was a sewing and serving volunteer at our Welcome Centre drop in for 1.5 years before joining our team in July 2024.

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