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21 Miles to Safety 

Join Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) in our mission to raise awareness and
vital funds for refugees and destitute asylum seekers. Take on the challenge of
swimming, rowing, or paddling the 21-mile journey across the English Channel, or a time or

distance related  to the No 21 mirroring the small boat crossings that many brave individuals undertake in search of safety.

Why this campaign?

People facing persecution often take unimaginable risks to seek sanctuary in the UK.
The Channel crossing may seem like their only hope, a desperate attempt to escape
the nightmares they face.

“It was psychologically not a logical decision, but I had no other choice. Either
way I’ll die; either at sea, in France or by going back to Syria. That’s how I found
myself in a boat going to England.”

At Bristol Hospitality Network, we’re on a mission to change the narrative around
seeking asylum, raise awareness of the challenges people endure, and support those
made destitute by the asylum system in Bristol.
We’d love your help. 

The challenge: Swim, Row, or Paddle 
From June 21st to July 21st, individuals and teams can participate by organising
their own water-based events EITHER covering the 21-mile distance or

or a time or distance related  to the No 21. 


Whether in a pool, lake, river, or sea, it's up to you how you complete the challenge.

A: Organising your own fundraising challenge to cover the distance. 
You can Organise a 21-Mile swimathon at your local pool or open water centre sea or river.
You can do this over a few swimming sessions as an individual or duo trio
You can organise your own team relay  and swim your distance as a team in one go.


If 21 miles feels too much you can swim 21 lengths 21 times Or swim 210 Meters 

It's up to you how you go the distance! 


B: Row or paddle the distance:
As a team or individually, get creative with your challenge – perhaps a relay on the river or a
paddle board adventure!

How to Enter:
Step 1: Sign up though Just Giving and create your own fundraising page linked to the campaign.
Step 2: Plan your weekly swims or gather a team and plan your strategy to cover the
Step 3: Complete your challenge and collect donations to support the cause.


Who’s Behind the Campaign?
Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) is committed to providing practical support for
people in Bristol made destitute by the asylum system. Every donation makes a
significant impact:

  • ï‚· £7 pays for a day's travel to support services or appointments

  • ï‚· £7 pays for a day's travel for member volunteers

  • ï‚· £30 pays for a week's destitution payment for up to 30 hosted members

  • ï‚· £50 pays for a bike and cycling gear for someone we support

  • ï‚· £100 pays for a week of activities at our Welcome Centre

  • ï‚· £150 pays for food at our weekly Welcome Centre Drop In

  • ï‚· £200 pays for a week's food and household items at our 11-bedroom hostel

Join us to make a difference and support those who need help the most.

Sign up 
Sign up and be a part of the 21 Miles to Safety challenge. Together, we will
create positive change!  Head over to our Just Giving page and set up your fundraising page


Swim or Dine at the Bristol Lido and Support the campaign

BHN’s corporate partner The Bristol Lido will be hosting a family swim day, Families can have use of the pool only and purchase refreshments from the café.

This is followed by our 21 Miles to Safety Swimathon launch and Fundraising Dinner
on June 21st, you can find out about and book for the LIDO’s family swim day here
or 21 Miles to Safety  fundraising dinner here.  

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